Saturday, 26 August 2017

Kalinda free top pattern - disaster!

 When I got sent this free pattern from SewSewEasy I thought it had everything. Wrap top, hood, long cuffs with thumbholes! I intended to make it last winter when it arrived but as ever had so many other projects going on I never got round to it. I have this lovely paisley fabric I bought a while back which was always intended for a wrap top so it seemed the perfect choice.

Well what can I say about this pattern? I chose the size to match my measurements but sadly it did not fit. It is sized for adults but I think must be made for very short little people not for giants like me. Not that I am a giant at  5 foot 7 inches ( about 168cm I think).

The hood is minute as in really small to non existent as you can see here looking at just the paisley fabric it simply does not cover the head and probably will not on anyone. I do not think I have a particularly large head. The sleeves are too short or if you want the thumbholes they are too short.
The back has an extra panel at the bottom that seems completely pointless and it could be made with longer princess panels to eliminate that. It is based on a princess seamed top with an extra bit to make the hood - which doesn't work being too small!

So I made it up to find everything wrong with it.
What to do?
Scrap it?
I like this fabric although it was inexpensive hence making a muslin could actually have cost more than simply making up in this fabric. This fabric would make very good underwear and I probably will do that with the left over scraps but I did not really want to chop this up. At least not just yet. It would be nice to get a few wearings as a top because there was a lot of effort to make this top.

In my stash I had some bright orange ribbing left over from this top:

Theres more here on this top which I originally also considered a disaster but I do actually quite like:

All I had was really just small scraps of left over orange ribbed fabric so I had to make do and make this work as best I could. Having got this far I needed to try and rescue my new top.

So I cut a very wide band - about 10-12 inches wide and doubled this over to add onto the front to make the hood work. This left me with some short narrow bits of ribbing. I cut these to fit the bottom edge. To make them long enough I had to join several small bits together. I used the bottom of the sleeves as a pattern to cut a couple of lining pieces so I could make thumb holes.

Now the instructions for this top are virtually non-existent so to make it I had to visit the SewSewEasy blog and read the comments. What I did not get at all was the pattern instructions say to cut two squares. So when reading the comments I discover they are from a different pattern that have been accidentally left on this one. Fine. Only I think that is wrong because you need a lining to make the thumbholes. Well unless you make this top for a child you will.

The pattern pieces are strange but it is relatively easy to understand from the pictures what goes where. Either way it just does not work so to make it work you need to make it bigger at the hood and cuffs. The only sensible way to finish the bottom edge seems to add a second band here as well. If I had had more fabric I would have added a wider band on the bottom because even for a wrap top its a bit too short. I must remember to wear a long top under it next time because I spent the entire day pulling this down over my too old to show to the world belly! I know crop tops are in but its not my look. I am after all over 50!

You can see the problem below and this is when its pulled down:

Despite my serious amount of bodging I think it works in the end. I do not recommend this pattern though.

The sizing is completely wrong.

It looks great in the pictures from SewSewEasy but simply does not end up anything like the photos.

Or mine did not and as far as I can tell I did not do anything wrong in construction.

By adding bits on it kind of works but next time I want a wrap top I will use one of the Burda ones because I already made two of this very simple pattern and it works and adding a hood would be relatively easy.

The Burda top is also a very fast make and this took several days before I could decide how to rescue it and the Burda top is a comfortable top to wear and I feel good in both versions whereas this top is not because I wore it to work yesterday and did not feel comfortable all day long!

Verdict: forget this pattern and use a different one. Don't waste your nice fabric on this!
Thanks for reading

Friday, 18 August 2017

Stretch navy top from Blank Slate Hi-Lo pattern

I was squinting into the sun hence silly faces!
Really should take off the name badge tho it does prove I actually do wear my me-mades for real life!

Well I made two other tops from this pattern. The first was in jersey and I hated it. Its somewhere in my stash never worn because I can reuse the fabric for something at some point. That one is here:

Then I had another go at this top with some scraps of gingham and made this:

The gingham which I bought on a whim for some unknown reason because I generally do not care much for gingham well this top has turned out to be a favourite for work and play and I even wear it on a  weekend as well as to the office and that's despite it having spiders in the lace and not quite being average. I just LOVE this top!

And you know what till I searched for these I forgot all about my sequin top! Also made with this lovely pattern!

So I made FOUR of these so far!

So here is my latest version. Narrow frills on the sleeve edges and no darts tho I never folded them out I just did as my gingham top and ignored them so its kind of a mild swing top.

It is wearable and makes a good work top but I am not very into this.

Maybe it will grow on my but right now no! I do not like.

It will get worn because I am short of work clothes but its just not me. Still you cannot win them all so they say!

Thanks for visiting my blog,

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Navy blue work trousers from Burda 7122 and a second black pair as well!

Well I have not got very far with making a new wardrobe for my man. I have, however, made yet another 2 pairs of Burda 7122 trousers for work. These blue trousers are 4-way stretch cotton ( I think!) from an end of roll off Ebay. Cost 99p for about 3m so seriously cheap. Downside, when I washed these is they have to be ironed. They crease something rotten so no easy work clothes here. For summer though they are brilliant cos the fabric is more a shirt weight than a trouser weight. I made these knowing that though because it has been very hot and muggy and all my work-worthy trousers are just too thick for the weather. Once ironed these look smart enough though the colour reminds me of school uniform but whatever! These are nice.

Then I made another pair- these are from the same fabric as the first pair here - or at least I believe it is the same fabric as the first pair:

Again from a very cheap remnant/end of roll off Ebay. Although this pair were a bit of a risk in that I made one leg piece from the rest of what was left from the first pair and then the other three leg bits are made from the two bits of fabric I bought at the same time as I bought

the fabric for that pair so I was a bit unsure if the fabric was exactly the same but it did look the same and they worked out Ok and I am happy with them. It all came from the same seller. I cannot even in daylight see any difference in colour, texture or anything else so I think the seller was just listing them separately to get as much money as possible. My three pairs of work trousers cost me just under £3 for fabric and the cost of 3 invisible zips ( about £4 for them) also from Ebay although the quality of my invisible zips is pretty poor so I may end up having to replace them at some point. Still for now its pretty good cos at last I have bearable clothes for work.

As you can see despite me shortening the pattern by 3 inches so about 7cm and still doing a wide hem they are still a bit long for me if worn with flat shoes so at some point soon I will have to sort that out else I will end up with a 90's style frayed hem dragging on the floor with me walking on the bottom of them all the time. Both of these pairs of trousers are a size smaller than the first pair I made and fit me much better. They are also much better made and finished and I made both pairs in about an hour and a half - not including cutting out time. I am getting into this idea of making several items from one pattern now. It certainly does improve the finish of what I make and make it far more RTW-ish.

Also before I finish writing this blog post I really need to brag about something. When I wore my navy trousers to work, I also wore this top:
And people I work with thought I bought it. I did not tell them I made it. That really made me happy because some of my early clothes definitely would NOT pass for RTW at all.

Overall though I am happy with my work clothes experiment so far. I now need some nice tops.

Thanks for reading my blog,

Friday, 4 August 2017

Now thats what I call cullottes!

I hate the modern culottes. I have tried several patterns I don't like any of 'em. Sorry people but I just don't. So I started looking about two years ago now for a pattern I made ages ago.  It took me two years to track down this pattern and I could only find it in size 14. This is my first vintage pattern and is for cullottes from 1985-ish. The pattern says 1987 on it but this was when the previous owner must have bought it. 

In the mid 80s I made this pattern:

In the end I bought this pattern for $27 including shipping from an American seller. I made this in 1985. Then it was in pink and white cow-print cotton. But I was young then! Bearing in mind I originally made an 8, I was a bit unsure but remembered it to be easy to alter. I think as it turns out regardless what my RTW clothing says I am no longer a 1980s size 8. However I am also not yet a 1980s size 14 because I needed to take it in several inches. Better bigger than smaller tho! Easy to alter.

Now I did the same this time as in the 1980 because I do not like the plain shorts back of these patterns so I used the front piece in view 3 for both front and back. It worked in the 80s so why not now. You end up with a pleated back as well as pleated front that really does resemble a skirt. In black its kind of school-ish but still ok and very good as part of my new working wardrobe.

So I spent $27 for just one pattern piece in the end. Still I am very happy with the results despite my mistakes.

 Well mistakes! I was obviously a more experienced sewist back then because I remember this being so easy to make. Not so this time. Partly it was down to my choice of fabric which was satin backed black stuff. No idea what fibre. Another ebay bargain! It feels quite luxurious though so is very nice to wear for work. I used the satin side for the waistband which I cut as a size 14 and never bothered to shorten - mistake number 1:

 It is a vintage button which may be bakerlite, Came from a stash I inherited from my Great Aunts. 
Problem number two: never cut excess fabric off waitband so I could not get either of my machines to sew a buttonhole! Sorted by faking it with a snap on the inside! It works.

Then there is the basting! It says to machine baste the pleats so I did both front and back as directed but then realised it marks the fabric - probably permanently. I will find out for sure if the marks come out when I wash them but I suspect the small holes made from the stitches will be there forever. You can just about see in the photo below:

Each pleat is folded, sewn and then topstitched to hold it in place and guess what? I actually steamed the pleats properly. They worked a treat and I am really proud of myself here! They were even intact after sitting at work most of the day setting up a database. Yes I have cracked this. Picture below shows sewn pleat.

So all in all despite the cock-up of marking my fabric badly - which in the office I work in probably no one is going to notice anyway and the lack of proper button hole I like these culottes better than the other versions I have made with modern patterns. I am intending to make a second more fun pair asap. But first some work tops I think since I am struggling with them too and a couple more pairs of trousers.

Thanks for visiting,