I changed it a bit due to my friends son being a small child so the pipe cleaners in the legs and the 2 pence pieces in the feet would have been hazardous. Instead I just stuffed the legs with fibre fill. I actually used a cheap IKEA cushion for this as well since it was only £1.00 and the fibre fill from Hobbycraft was around £5 for the same quantity.
Anyway here he is and I am very happy with him:
I also used double knitting wool since that is what I had in stock with 3.5mm needles so he is slightly larger than the original but who cares about that?
Other than Shaun I have been constructing patterns for my coat project - well its been at least two weeks of me putting this pattern together in between being ill and Christmas when I had to vacate the table so the familly could eat dinner for several days so its been a very long and arduous task.
Also this pattern is for the Burda Peplum jacket but it turns out there are 4 different jacket /coat variants on this pattern so its great value for money buying this one.
At you can actually download the instructions for each jacket at the moment which will take the guessing out of trying to make the other three. Also the coat and the peplum jacket actually use competely different pattern parts so I am intending to do a "muslin" of the top only and then do a mock up of the peplum jacket with the muslin top assuming it fits and a proper velvet coat since I have some very nice upholstery grade velvet I intend to wear and this coat will work really well I think.
I want to make the "proper" peplum jacket for next year since I am meant to be graduating then so will need some kind of respectable suit type of outfit and I fancy this peplum jacket with some matching trousers for it. It would be nice to wear something I actually like rather than just a shop bought suit. I have some charcoal grey suiting for the proper version but need to check it all works right before I dare to cut that so this will be my trial. And it will mean I get to wear the peplum jacket for this summer to check I actually find it comfortable as well. So I cannot lose really.
Since I now realised whilst constructing this pattern from the huge number of tiled pieces I had to print that it makes 4 different jackets it seems sensible to also make the coat - well why buy another pattern when is is actually a rather nice one anyway?
And two other jackets as well:
Bonus or what? And if anyone is interested right now there is a BOGOF at for the whole of January!
Anyway thats all I have been up to so far this week but thanks for reading and see you again soon,Bracken
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