Wednesday 3 March 2021

Army Surplus Scrim or an Army Cravat inspired Black lace and mesh scarf

This is based on a scarf I owned many years ago. It was Army Surplus scrim or an Army Cravat as some people call them. I had two of these one in camo and one in black and wore them for years. I loved them. This is a rather posh looking version of that old scarf.


 I decided to make this despite it feels a bit of a cop out. Its very simple to sew this kind of thing  Sadly I seem to prefer to wear the more basic simply designed stuff. I mostly feel I should be stretching my skills and making more complicated things. But then if I was in a shop such as Monsoon or River Island, which I used to buy lots from, I could end up paying £20-£30 for something like this. And I would have bought this!

Its a very easy make. Its just a rectangle of left over wide mesh which I used to make the sleeves on this top and some crochet effect cotton lace sewn around the edge. I sewed two layers of the lace - I have 25m of this stuff, so plenty to play with. The lace was an ebay bulk buy bargain that I have yet to find a use for. 

 Sewn with two layers seems quite extravagant but this completely encloses the rough edge of the mesh. That means no need to overlock.


Despite its so simple even if I had needed to buy the lace I think it would still be a great thing to have made. And I expect still much cheaper than buying something like this. Hopefully as the spring arrives this will make for a good mid- weather scarf to keep me warm and stylish.

I really love the crunchy look to this scarf. 

Really I think its time to be aiming for a totally hand made wardrobe now, rather than just tops, dresses and trousers. I need to make everything!

And that also includes the simple DIY stuff.


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