Friday, 28 February 2025

Making jeans!

I bought this Butterick jeans pattern to ma ke up an order so I got free postage. That was probably 8-10 years ago. I thought,  well a jeans pattern can't really be a mistake but in all honesty I had zero desire to sew jeans.
There are certain fabrics in my stash I particularly want to use this year one of which is a rather nice khaki stretch needlecord. I have 2m of this. I started off thinking of 70s burda's because I have loads and I  want fancy some flares. I made a few pairs of stretch flares the last couple of years but always by bodging the same free pattern which is really for yoga pants. My flares have all worked and been wearable but I reckon I could do better so I spent days looking through my vintage 70's magazines only to realise that 1970s women were it would seem bigger than me and I also never knew their trousers have no pockets!

So then, back to modern patterns. It was not all a waste of time though because I have added a few to-makes to my ever increasing list! But flared jeans type trousers, No!
1990s and 2000s styles were better because they usually do have pockets.

Well, I don't mind making clothes with no pockets, but I do like pockets in my jeans and I cannot conceive of flared trousers / jeans in corduroy with no pockets of any kind. Then I remembered this pattern so I found it out from it's storage, (most of my sewing stuff is in storage due to a very small house and we had intended to move to a different country. For now the move us on hold for family reasons, but the stuff remains stored in the hopes we eventually get it sorted.)

So I sorted out the right pattern pieces and worked out the best way to get them out of this piece of fabric and to see if this is going to work. My fabric measures 140cm wide. The pattern is for 160cm or 115cm. I only have 2m but hopefully this will fit and I can make some flared trousers- with pockets. 

Well I got the bits cut out a few weeks ago and started to make them. Well nearly 4 weeks to be exact but this jeans making is something you need to spend a little time over. Its not difficult but it is time consuming.

On first look the pattern directions were really good but as I started to sew I found loads of problems. The basic directions are OK. But in some instances they say to finish the edges here and then do X. But not in all instances and I decided ( wrongly) to trust the directions not my own self. 
So now I have a raw edge on the inside crotch seam and would have other problems if I had not decided after doing that to add-lib. Annoying I actually thought about overlocking that seam too before top stitching but the previous directions had been correct so I trusted the pattern. There is also a problem with the inside fly cover. I will not enclose the seams next time. Directions say to do so but it makes the fly too small. It still works but next time I make these I will need to remember so hopefully blogger will still be going then so I am able to look up what else I change.
I have not yet finished these because its a big job but to be honest its actually straight forward to make these and relatively easy.  You just need to have the confidence and to believe in your own understanding of stitching and as I have discovered don't expect a pattern to tell you everything however good it seems. After all I am used to thinking for myself with the likes of Burda so why would any other pattern company be different? 
A lesson learned!
Then I went by the pattern markings for the back pocket positions and decided, luckily to pin and try these on before doing the flat felled side seams. The pockets were well out from where they should be for my clothes size! 
I took the pockets off and repositioned but the move has slightly marked my fabric. I am hoping it will wear in and be less notice-able. 
The inside pockets have a contrast lining as does the inside of the waistband though I actually did have enough fabric to make them in the same cord fabric. 
I am not very happy with the zip but next time it should be better.

So after moving the pockets I took the plunge and did the side seams as flat fells and then did the inside seams and except for a waistband I have a pair of jeans. 

Perhaps if all goes to plan next week I can actually say I made a pair of jeans and show you my photos. Fingers crossed...........
Have a lovely weekend,

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Completed at last: Mushroom Season top down jumper

I started this child's jumper, size aged 3 to 4 years, I think in May or June last year. The pattern is called Mushroom Season hence my title. 
It's a free Drops yarn pattern and I used the recommended 100%wool Karisma yarn though my red is a brighter shade than the pattern due to them having sold out of the correct red. It works. Since small person it's intended for is currently in a 2 to 3 years I do not actually know if this is the right size though my tension is correct and it measures as the pattern says it should.
It actually doesn't really matter because small person will grow into it either way so it will fit at some point. In the end it comes down to dimensions. Hopefully the sleeve length and body length work together. I do not yet know!
This was a real challenge for me because its my first top down jumper ever. I really like there us absolutely no sewing up just the yarn ends to darn in. Even the fold over neck is knitted into place. Amazing!
The back is slightly raised up which I like but my short rows are not good if you look closely.
front is OK because it doesn't have any short rows.
I have just started to knit a Clanger toy and it has a wrap and turn technique which seems to give good results with short rows but I didn't know about out it when I began this.
I stuck exactly to the pattern except for the wrist and hem ribbing which I added stripes to. Not quote Norwegian exactly but often these sweaters do have some fairisle at the hem and being relatively inexperienced with knitting in the round and Norwegian style knits I didn't feel confident enough to add a fairisle hem so stripes will have to do. They should also mean mud loving child might actually get to wear this a couple of times without constant washing and since it's wool that will be best I think.
There are less stripes on wrists than the hem but I decided that didn't matter.
I haven't yet blocked this. I literally finished it this morning.
I realise while knitting this that it would work ( in child's sizing) in adult form in mohair because the stitch count is right. This is a double knit yarn. Mohair is closer to chunky. Or the mohair I have stashed is. It will take some working out if I do that though. Not too sure as yet but the adult version of this which is available free and identical to the child patter, would probably be quite heavy in this yarn and I think I might struggle to knit that. It was quite heavy just for that second sleeve. I do like the design though so am considering attempting a mohair version for me. Top down is new for me but I really like it. My next couple of jumpers are already planned though and waiting so tip down is going to have to wait for a bit while I knit conventionally for them.
Thanks for visiting. Do you like my version of this jumper and have you ever tried top down knitting?
Take care and hopefully see you soon,

Friday, 14 February 2025

Burda Burned out velvet long skirt

I made this skirt before also in burn out velvet. Its meant to match the top I made a few days ago and like the original outfit I intend to wear them together as an actual outfit. Its not something I do very often but it works for this look so I decided to make a second version of this skirt outfit which is from the Burda style 09/2014 issue and has a high low hemline. Its not something I would probably ever consider buying because it would be expensive but making my clothing myself means I can have whatever I want. Even the impractical magical stuff I cannot justify spending money on because this skirt, well whole outfit cost just £6 and I have a small amount of fabric over for another top or other small item. 

The skirt has lots of movement without being too bulky due to the shape with the two long front darts and the very soft drapey fabric. 
Unfortunately you can see my imperfect hemline on my top here: 
But despite the hems I still love this.

Like to top this was a pig to sew but I did expect that. 

When I originally made it I made the elastic in the waist too long and its so hard to sew I seriously considered leaving this as a hipster skirt but that would have meant I needed to also shorted it so in the end I bit the bullet and unpicked my sewn in elastic without mishap. So maybe I am just worrying more than I should about sewing this stuff up. I did though put on my reading glasses which I rarely need to unpick this. But no holes or rips later I sewed it back up and it fits. So that was worth the extra effort. Mind you I cheated. I only unpicked the back of the skirt so the front lies flat and the back has more gathers. It works well though.

The lighting seems really weird on these photos. No idea why. Maybe just its winter and was dusk when they were taken. 

Anyway that's it from me for now but I wish you a very happy weekend,

Take care


Sunday, 9 February 2025

Blue velvet Puffed sleeve Burda top


This is my third version of this particular top and I very much like the first two hence I decided to make another. Well actually this is an exact copy of my original burn out velvet outfit I made last year but the skirt is yet to be completed. I have cut it out and its pinned together but the sewing needs finishing off etc.

The fabric is lovely burned out velvet fabric in navy blue tiger stripes. Bargain price too. But absolute hell to sew. It slips and moves and then catches on the foot bed. The overlocker hated it, the machine hated it. The hems are rubbish ( and roll!) but its hard to tell. I know though, but no point unpicking them because I would likely reck the delicate fabric and even if I managed to unpick I suspect I cannot make a better job of sewing this stuff. Maybe a band of ribbing on the bottom of the top would work better but it would not give the look I wanted.

Had no idea I had such bad VPL till seeing this photo!!! 

Ah well!

You can also see my dodgy hemming in this photo. I decided not to unpick due to the hard to see fabric/ stitching and its so delicate I will likely wreck the top. Also in all honesty I do not expect I can do better if I resew. This fabric is just so difficult to sew up. The edges roll as you sew. In fact you name what can go wrong when sewing a stretch fabric and this stuff does it! Its certainly not a beginner fabric except for the price because at £2 a meter you could realistically buy several metres and by the time you get it sewn you would be really good at sewing I think. The large quantity would also ensure you actually got an outfit from it. Its so tempting to buy more. Its so lovely but its also so awful to sew up. I think this could also make a really nice mesh curtain though!

The leggings don't look so see through at the front! They are also fleece lined so I am surprised at my horrible back view. 

You can see the top of the puffed sleeves here. They are made in two parts so you have a short puffed sleeve with a long cuff.

This top takes a very small amount of fabric because when I made top 2 had only 1m of the troll fabric and I actually also made a child's top from some left overs so its a great pattern if you have either offcuts or a single metre to go at. I am already looking through my stashed fabric to make another top in this pattern. More on that, maybe, if I get round to it.  Its a nice top to wear though and has extra long sleeves which I like. Yes, you can lengthen sleeves but its nice to not have to remember I want to.

Hopefully, I will get the skirt finished soon because I am loathe to wear the top alone and wear it out and its turned out so lovely I really want the matching skirt.

The fabric is still available last time I looked from Pound Fabrics and is just £2 a metre. You have to buy 3m though but to make this (outfit with matching skirt) I need almost all of it. But then £6 for an outfit that I think will be really special is a real bargain. There is a small bit left which would make another top or vest but I daredn't cut it until I find out the skirt works.  I would hate to cut it then need to recut a part of the skirt and not have the fabric for that when I need it and so ruin a garment. It has happened to me before!

But I would buy this top if I saw it for sale and did not make my own clothes and I would pay lots for it because its really that nice. I like a lot of what I make but this top really has turned out to be a bit special.

But this particular fabric is so hard to sew it will be a relief to get the skirt sewn up. I am actually apprehensive to start to sew it in case I ruin it. I do not intend to buy more of this stuff despite how much I like it and the bargain price. I did consider buying more when it arrived and was so lovely but really I do not have the skills for this fabric. I have scraped in with a very nice but imperfect top and I am happy with that but I do not think I will risk trying any more difficult clothes from this fabric. I will just move on to something in a fabric that is (hopefully) easier to sew.

I will hopefully finish the skirt in the next couple of days and then see how it looks. I have high hopes.

Have a lovely week and thanks for popping by and visiting my blog,


Wednesday, 29 January 2025

#WinterHavenKAL child's socks finished

These are my finished child's socks using the Spring greens Winwick Mum yarn and the Winwick Mum free child's socks pattern. And I am very pleased with how they have turned out.
I have not blocked these as yet but I will do because they are a gift.
I probably also have enough Spring greens yarn left to make some adult sized socks which I will do at some point. Though first I need to finish my half knitted socks using Shafpate yarn. 
I think the colour was Kim but I lost my yarn label so I cannot be certain. It was from Wool Warehouse.
After my KAL last year took me so long I decided to have a break from these but I am intending to finish the second sock next and then I have a child's jumper I need to finish. 
The Shafpate socks are also knitted to the Winwick Mum  free basic sock pattern. So still kind of fits with the KAL although it's in a different yarn.
Have a lovely week and thanks for visiting my blog,

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Track pants with elastic ankles

I keep seeing track suit trousers with elastic ankles in high street shops. 

Well, I fancied a pair, so I decided to use the last of my grey glitter sweat-shirting to make some. That way my existing grey glitter tops will match which gives me 3 pairs of trousers and two tops. Since I also have two dresses that's lots if choices of garments in the same fabric so great wardrobe staples.
The pattern is actually the same Lekala Sports trousers pattern as my other two pairs so it's a cheat really but gathering in the ankles with elastic does totally change the look. I did not really want to change the others because I like them as they are so I just made a third pair. It also coincides with the cold snap we are having in England when its actually minus 6 degrees C when writing this!
Beats the usual rain, however!
They are worn here with my prototype grey top that I finished a few weeks ago. I really want another of these but it took me a year to finish the thing. I love it though and am wearing it a lot.

These trousers are totally different in style to their predecessors, despite being the same pattern with s few cm added to the length. I am actually not so sure I needed to add any length because they came out a bit long. The Elastic ankles stops it being a problem but I might not bother with the next pair if I make another. They also came out narrower than expected. Well no they are not actually narrower but they seem to have a more narrow, slim leg look than I expected. I don't mind just I did not expect that. The previous pairs ( of which there are loads going back years because I love this pattern) are all almost flared. Its obviously the effect of the elastic but I just never thought they would look narrow.

Elastic ankles are made by adding about 4cm and turning under. Then thread Elastic. Though next time I will sew in my ankle elastic the way I sew in my waist elastic to stop it turning over and becoming uncomfortable. I never considered it before so just made a channel this time. Still my sewing is a process of learnimg. Thats really the point, and I pretty much learn something every time I attempt it even when its a pattern I have made before. It certainly makes life more interesting than just going to a shop and purchasing something and of course I seem to make much, much more than I would dream of buying yet spend the same or maybe a little less. Ideally I want to write that I also make quality garments. Sometimes I do, but often I just make nice stuff I want to wear, or I make something to see how it is made. I do though also make a few very well made items  that I could not afford to buy, and I also find I make things I just would not buy - like dresses. I have not bought a dress since I was in my early 20s yet in the last few years I have made quite a few and I have a couple on my mind to make right now. And I have worn and enjoyed them.That does mean I wear more interestingly (is that a word?) than I would if I bought everything.

Elastic waistband with sewn down elastic. Pockets! Unfortunately, the camera caught something hanging out of one pocket but it does prove they work!
Anyway this is a really simple pattern change but makes for a completely different silhouette.
Have a great week and thanks for popping by my blog,

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Winter Haven KAL socks one completed

This is my first child's sock completed last night.
I have just cast on for sock 2
it's getting dark now so it will start to get cold so in the next hour or so I will have to move to the lounge but first I thought I would show you my favourite knitting corner in the conservatory. Complete with fairy lights
and what's left of my chocolate brazils
Not that I have many left.
Have a lovely weekend

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Socks update

This is as far as I have got with sock one. I did no knitting yesterday and today is day 7 of knitting.
I am about to do the toes today now so sock one may get finished today- if I am lucky.
Take care

Monday, 13 January 2025

Winwick Mum Winter Haven KAL 2025

This years Winter Haven KAL pattern looks wonderful. However you have to attend to your own family's needs first. I do mean needs though not wants right now. 

This is one of my "haven spots" At night I retreat in doors to the lounge because its cold and we have a wood burner. In the day I am in my lovely light conservatory complete with strands of fairy lights left up from Christmas.
Unfortunately I left the light on to take the photo and you cannot see much other than glare but its the only current photo. I may try to take another this evening. Though that may not include my faithful Roger who was keeping me company when I took this. I took this on Saturday evening which was day 2 for me of the KAL.
There is a new free pattern for the KAL but right now I am knitting something else. Though its still socks. One member of my family desperately needs a pair of warm Winter socks so I decided I will knit them first. 
I am still taking part in the KAL though, because its still a Winwick  Mum pattern and it's Winwick Mum yarn. The colour is Spring green and it's my first time using it. I can definitely say I will be buying more in the colour though and if there is enough left I will have a go at another pair of adult socks in the mosaic pattern. I think I may have enough left over for that and my last pair are worn very thin.   I am not sure about this as yet but its a way to use up this lovely green yarn. 
Above you can see one of this child's blue socks that I knitted for him last summer. Due to our cold weather he really needs a second pair. Its surprised me how much he loves these!

There will probably not be enough of this green yarn to do the new KAL pattern but it doesn't matter because I finished the 2024 KAL in June so I will just keep knitting and see how it goes. I Think a mosaic pattern will make me a lovely pair of socks and use my current yarn up and I do not really mind if I complete the new pattern later and if I am honest it will challenge me so I will probably take over a month to knit that so the KAL will be over then anyway. There is really no reason not to continue knitting socks after the end of this KAL. I also may not use Winwick Mum yarn for it because I have lots of other brands and not much Winwick Mum. It turns out I have tons of stashed WYS yarn but its not Winwick Mum. 

So far I feel I am doing OK with the child's socks because I turned the heel of sock one last night which was day 3 so I am hopeful to possibly get 2 pairs of socks knitted this January. One adult pair and this child's pair and now suddenly my partner has jumped on the warm hand knit socks bandwagon so I am pledged suddenly ( unexpectedly because he usually does not like knits of any kind) to knit a pair for him.

Still best not to get ahead of myself! 

So here I am on day 4 of the KAL. I have not yet knitted anything today, but I am at home so assuming nothing crops up, I intend to get knitting soon as possible after writing this post. I will let you know how it progresses.
Have a brilliant week and thanks for popping by
Take care and keep warm,