Saturday 25 June 2022

White velvet hoody dress - Faery clothing

Well why did I make this? 

I actually bought the white lace to make undies and the white velvet was bought for colour blocked winter sports wear which I realised I was not up to sewing well enough to make it look professional so I decided to abandon that and make the warm winter lounge wear in plain colours which did work well. I still wear some of that even now the weather is ( mostly) warmer.

This is kind of a bit bridal for me and I tend more towards black and darks than pastels and white but I made it to use up the fabric which will otherwise stay stashed for who knows how long. I seem to love this style of top so it seemed a good use for the fabric and I think maybe this will get a lot of wear this summer. I made a very similar black cotton and lace version here:

So not a very adventurous pattern for me really but this is a adventurous colour - at least for me.

Probably time to stop with this particular style of dress/ top now. I do love this look though!
Again this dress has mitts.

Its another high low hem as well though I must admit to very rubbish hem sewing on this one.

It has some wrinkles as the curves got sewn. I just could not get it right. It is down to the fabric which is very soft and stretchy - of course thats also going to make it very comfortable.
I am really unsure of the bright white colour though. Still the reason to make your own clothing is not just to get original things but also to experiment when perhaps you normally would not.

Its  a better length than the camo dress I made last week though, and yet still short which was my aim so all is not lost on this one. Next #MMM I will see how much it has actually got worn. 

I need to make some other style now though. Mind you its very tempting to make more of the same because I like wearing them. 

And the hoody being also a cowl works really well for work when its much harder to wear hoodys. Mind you this dress is not work wear.

Time has yet to see how much I will actually wear this but its an interesting make for me personally. It breaks the usual mould of what I am prepared to wear and being a style I love at the moment it should mean the fabric is not wasted. Though its pretty much a bad buy full stop for me to invest in white usually. We will see. 

Thanks for visiting my blog and have a great weekend
