Monday 7 August 2023

My Dad

I didn't blog last week. For me normally blogging has become something I need to do. I just do it every week somehow even if I do not make anything. It has been years. I actually began my first blog in 2007.  But last week I did do several crafting projects. None of which are going to be part of this post.

On 7th July my Dad was taken to hospital with heart failure. Well he didn't die despite that sounds so terrible. He had his 84th birthday the next day in hospital. By the end of the next week he was home - for just 2 hours. Then he fell off the bed. My dad has one leg and is not brilliant at anything any more. He started to slip and my Mum who is also infirm and has long term Rheumatoid arthritus was simply too weak to stop him falling so an ambulance was called and back into hospital he went. 

After a few days he was stable and got transfered from Coventry to Rugby. There he slowly got better. Then I saw him last Sunday and was told he is now medically fit. He waved goodbye to me and said "God bless you" which is really not something he would ever normally have said to me.

My Mum saw him Monday with my partner. He was OK then though we had all started to wonder about dementia so the staff at the hospital have him down for a CT scan later on last week. 

Tuesday Mum was meant to visit but she went down with covid. No one visited because we never knew until visiting hours was nearly over. 

At 08:03 on Wednesday he was found dead. They reckon cardiac failure. He dies unexpectedly and peacefully in his sleep. That should help I suppose but really it doesn't. Sadly Wednesday 3rd August was also their 60th Wedding aniversary or should have been.

I know he was 84 years old but this is my Dad and it has devastated me. So I am blogging now about this, not my crafting, because in the end lots of the bits and pieces of life matter. 

I started this blog to record my sewing. It has diversified but it has also to a large extent turned into a blog on what happens to me in my life and I think my Dad passing is worthy of a small section here. 

So thats it for this week. I will blog about the crafting soon but right now does not really feel like the right time. Crafting is just not important to me today.

I hope anyone who rreads this has a good time this week and that you are happy.


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