I was browsing Pinterest pages today and found these:
I think they originate from M&S.
Knowing what bra goes with what is useful I find and this as anyone who visits my blog will probably already know is a serious problem for me.
1) I hate bras! Yes hate the things. As a young woman I never wore one but around the age of 42 I realised not wearing one was ruining the look of my clothing. Gravity set in. So nothing for it but to wear some kind of foundation garments. For many years I still did not wear a bra and relied on cropped tops - and what is now called bralets but I never wore actual underwear or not bras anyway and if I could get away with bikini ( as in swimwear knickers) that was ok too. It was the 1990s and small tops were everywhere making it very easy for me to use them as underwear.
Then around 10 years ago I bought some proper bras. All different types - pushup, Tshirt, whispy bits of lace bras, but bras I bought.
This did not actually help most of the time because I seem to choose the wrong type of bra for what I wear. For example look at this picture:
Its not an unusual look for me unfortunately. I have an extreme love of exercise tops/bras so wear them most of the time but they really do not help my wide necked ballet tops - except of course when I am actually aiming for that kind of look. I do wear lots of ballet style tops too.
And I do like the layers multi strapped tops look so its not always an accident but it belongs with casual weekend wear and not during work. I do have rubbish taste sometimes! I often go to work without actually looking in the mirror and then when I do realise how I look I spend the rest of the day sweltering with a jumper on, even if its hot to keep covered up my bad clothing mixtures.
Here's another example with a black exercise top poking out.
My blog is full of this. Sadly. I could say its just how I am. It really is, but I do feel even if I just sort it out for my blog I should try to get my head round this, because as I said, it does impinge on my life - and my sanity, as well as ruin some very good photos. In the case of the second picture I do not actually mind the look at all but its not a good look for work. They prefer you to be neater. Students can look like that, but the staff should be more tidy - I work in a University. Casual is really OK where I work but I sometimes manage to look a bit too casual.
You can even see a glimpse of unwanted under top spoiling the look here:
And here:
So bearing in mind my current newly found desire to make underwear - all sorts not just bras and knickers, but also bustiers and corsets then I do need to have a serious think about what I actually need. Its tempting you see to jump straight in there and make some nice wearable comfortable exercise tops but they would create the same looks as these pictures above - and there are many other examples on this blog!
I found these three photos pretty fast. I do not really want to find all the others!
I know they are all over the place.
So instead I am now thinking making some nice wearable bras. So not straight away do I want underwires, or any other instrument of torture, but instead some (fashionable) soft bralets.
Maybe some knickers too because half of mine are falling apart. I manage to make some really wearable outer wear these days so now need to concentrate on getting the unseen foundation clothing sorted I think.
And its not like I have not eagerly collected every underwear pattern given away free that I have been fortunate to come across. I have. I have even printed some of them in anticipation - just never actually used them. Now is the time so watch this space.
The info on the picture charts above though is going to be very very useful to me. I have even printed these out - yes I really do need help believe me.
I cannot help but wonder though ...do other people have this problem or is everyone else all sorted when it comes to matching your underwear with your outerwear?
Is it really just me?
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