Friday 24 July 2020

Tie back sun dress

 This is the Tie back dress from Rebecca Page patterns. I don't know what to say about his really other than I just love it. 

Its not at all my usual style, being very girly, so maybe that makes me like it even more. Its very happy and summery and from a distance probably passes as floral.

The fabric is Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) 100% cotton and bought from Ebay. Its lovely with multi directional skulls, with hearts and rainbows and paisley as well. I bought this about 5 years ago and have found it difficult to find things I can make from it that I would actually wear.

I made a pair of trousers earlier this year and they have got worn, probably more than they would usually, because of being in lockdown and not working, but still I have worn them, so when I found this pattern I decided to make this from the same fabric.

I love the back. You can either cross the straps or not as you wish. I decided to cross them because I hate having straps falling off my shoulders and when crossed they just don't.

The bodice is lined with plain white cotton. It took a bit of working out but actually this was a very easy make. The directions though were good so thats stopped the usual problem of spending ages working out how to put this together that I get with Burda. I am intending to make a plain black version though it may have to wait until next spring because summer in the UK is feeling very autumnal and I think its time I started to think of winter now.

I need some new work clothing because I go back next month and would really lke to make some new trousers for that and I must make some tops because I have none that are not worn out now. So unless something very outstanding comes along I am making my winter clothes as of today.

Well its still summer at the moment so best to make the most of it. 

Normally I just do not get to wear summer dresses so I do not even bother to make them. Lockdown has been scary and still is. But it has allowed me to enjoy the spring and summer instead of being stuck in  cold air-conditioned office or lab. 

Possibly its even more scary now we are going back to work but for me its been the best summer of my life to be at home with my partner and my pets and be able to do what I want instead of being bored in a job. Doesn't matter what jobis because for me all jobs are eventually boring and uninspiring which is sad but true. I think this is actually the best year since I went to Uni all those years ago. Then I was happy to get off the dole and into what seemed a meaningful life. But for me life was never so much fun since then. Being unemployed is awful in that you starve and have no money for anything but being free counts for so much. This year I rediscovered what being free really means despite it being illegal to go out places. Just being with the people I love more was gtreat. Doing my hobbies and even the decorating. Even having time to read a book was really nice. Not having to get up and rush out without showing my pets I realy do care for them. Not having to leave my dogs all day with just a couple of pet sitter visits etc. I need to find a way to change my life now because I am not going to be happy working full time ever again. I am very sure of that. People do change their world. Its just finding a way to make it work. So I am now looking at ways to make money. For now though I must plan for what I have to do and get back to making work clothing. I have to live whilst working out how to change my life.
Stay safe

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