Saturday 21 January 2023

Very purple fluffy jumper


I knitted this to replace the blue one I made a couple of years ago. Its a similar fluffy mohair kind of yarn.


I took that blue jumper to Poland back in the spring of 2022 and decided to wash it on my so called hand wash function on my washing machine. I have never never done this before and I will never ever do this again. The washing machine was new so I had never tried out this so called hand wash function.

Anyway with both jumpers the yarn is meant to be handwash and this handwash machine program totally felted my lovely blue jumper up, shrank it and ruined it. I tried several internet fixes to sort this - soak in hair conditioner etc, but nothing worked. I managed to also ruin a black mohair jumper at the same time. I have not yet replaced that one. Its still on my to-do list. I do have some fluffy black mohair type yarn stashed that I picked up a few months back. I say mohair type because its from a charity/ thrift shop and has no actual fibre content on it but its fluffy and will do for this. I miss the black one. Black is just so wearable and the one in question that got ruined also had glitter. Ah I do miss that jumper! Maybe this year I will get round to making a black one?

This purple jumper then is made to replace something I liked a lot but ruined by accident. Knitting takes me a long time so its a massive project really.

Anyway one of the things that happens every Christmas is we need to use the dining table. Thats also under normal weeks my sewing/ crafting table so my crafting pretty much ends from whenever we finish work before Christmas until when we return to work afterwards. This year that was 23rd December.

So this year I finished off the half knitted purple jumper and now have a replacement for the blue one - although its not actually blue. I am currently on the lookout for blue fully yarn but so far have not found any. I actually love this very strong purple colour though it may turn out much harder to wear and mix with other clothing than the blue version was. Still I could not resist his purple yarn when I found it. This was also thrifted yarn.

It is actually easier to see the lace stitch on the blue one.


 Perhaps the purple is more fluffy?


I never saw how purple this is till we took the photos. It was quite sunny despite being cold so probably shows the colour really well.


 I deliberately made the sleeves long - probably should have included actual mitts in fact but they are just over long because then I am able to pull them down over my hands when its inconvenient to wear proper gloves. I have made several jumpers with over long sleeves. Its something I like though I must admit its rare to find any RTW tops with this. Still its one of the good things about me made clothing. The blue jumper also had uber long sleeves. 

Anyway despite managing to knit a second one of these - which seemed to take forever - I am still a little sad at my own stupidity with my blue one. I need to find some yarn in that sort of blue. It was more a saxe blue than a royal blue and seems hard to find. Though I will not knit the exact same jumper pattern again even if, or when, I do find that colour yarn. The purple one will be good but I will do something else when I find some blue. I suspect I will end up grabbing whatever blue eventually turns up in a charity shop. I live in hope to find some.

And if nothing else I will never get taken in by a so called "hand wash" program on a washing machine ever again. I suppose at least I am learning!

Thanks for visiting my blog and have a great weekend.


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