Monday 27 May 2024

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again" - Finally, January KAL Treasure Socks finished!


These took me absolutely ages to get right, but I am really, really happy with them. I started them in January, had a massive problem with sock one, which led to me totally starting again. 

But they are finished!

Its too hot to wear them today, but I will have plenty of time as the year progresses because: I live in England and its cold and rainy most of the year!

I had to undo and re-knit sock one and I suppose I could have just managed with one ill fitting sock and one good one, but I am so happy I re-did it and made both socks as close to perfect as I am able to.

Its taken me patience and a long time to complete these but really I still think they are worth my effort. 

And I really like them. 

Also they are mirror images which they are meant to be according to the pattern, but which had I stuck with my cocked up first sock, they would not be. 

I ended up making them quite a bit longer than the pattern as well ( two pattern repeats longer on each leg)  because I prefer slightly longer socks.

All in all though, I am so happy to be able to finally show you these and to say I made them right, and took the time and effort to perfect them.

So my Winter Haven 2024 KAL socks were eventually finished in May!

Never mind. I love them!

Have a great week


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