Saturday 30 July 2022

Denim Jacket updated


Well I have not actually made this. But I do love it so I decided to share it because its a very easy way to update a tired basic and a bit boring denim jacket. 

It also did not take very long at all. Mind you I bought the lace patch probably two years ago. I have an identical black patch. Both cost about £2 from Ebay. 

Jacket was second hand and about £1.25 several years ago from a Charity/ Thrift shop and originally from TopShop. Its stretch denim and a bit more fitted than I remember - I think I put some weight on!

The lace patches came direct from China and I will be buying more of this kind of thing because a similar lace patch, but with a less interesting design, though arguably more wearable, was what I used to sort out a top that would have otherwise been a disaster and would have ended up being thrown away.

These lace panels are surprisingly useful and good to have in stock if you come accross them. They vary greatly design-wise and I found skulls much harder to find - and they cost more. The panel on the black top was considerably less costly than the skull designs but they are both useful and both are really very cheap to buy. Though because they come direct from China they can take a month to arrive so not much use if you want them yesterday. I buy them just because they are there and they are useful to have for when I ( might) want them. 

I am now serously debating whether to do a black skull on black denim jacket as well. Well I seem to have stopped wearing both my denim jackets so why not. I already have a pattern to make a denim jacket should I really want one another year and its a way to continue wearing what I already own. Black on black would be much more subtle but that might be good too. I have a rule - I wear whats in my wardrobe at least once each year else it goes out. So that in itself is a good idea to update my other denim jacket then. 

To attach the patch I just pinned carefully in place, tried on to check position and then used a zigzag stitch and followed the outline of the patch, then also followed the outline of each eye to make sure it stays put and that will hopefuly stop it getting ripped because it is relatively delicate. But then lace is delicate and I think it makes for a great contrast with the denim.


Have a great weekend and thanks for popping by
