Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Update on check short skirt


Except during Me Made May each year I never repost something I have already made but this skirt has suddenly become my special go to item. I must make a few similar versions in fact so these are updated photos of this skirt showing how good it has actually turned out to be which you cannot see from the original post of this. Its a kind of rubbish original post actually and this skirt is turning out to be a work worthy staple. The original photos were taken when I was doing the garden and not at all being very photogenic. I don't wipe my old blog posts and if you do scroll back through the years you can really see how my posting has improved. I was so unprofessional years ago and the photos were so rubbish. Still you get better at everything if you keep trying I suppose.

But the original post really does not show how good this skirt is. The comfy sweatshirt type of drawstring waist is probably the real reason I seem to be living in this right now. Its very hot and muggy and you just feel uncomfortable and sweaty by about 10am. And being black and white dogtooth check it just goes with everything - or nearly everything.

These photos were taken immediately after my dog walk this morning so I am wearing trainers, but this skirt looks just as good with more "respectable" work shoes that I later wore to go to the office.

 And being a very thin knit fabric its turning out great for the weather and being not very stretchy fabric it doesn't, so far anyway, go out of shape. So for a left over scrap of fabric with little shaping this is a really good skirt.

Just shows I suppose that some of the best items are not the hardest to make because this is one of the easiest ever skirts I have ever made. Its worn here with my black lace top which I made in the spring and is also turning out a great summer work top. I never made it to be a work top but its just perfect when its so hot and yet you have to look reasonably professional. I am actually wearing the same Noelle bralet under it as in the original post, but it all looks so much better with my black top. I really need someone to advise me on my clothing choices and this is the proof!

Thanks for popping to visit me and see you soon


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