Friday, 31 December 2021

Green Socks - my second pair of hand knitted socks


These are my second pair of hand knit socks. I am very happy with them because there are no mistakes at all unlike the first pair where my heel stitch is not quite right.

They are made using the Winwick Mum sockalong but this time I used three strands of my lace weight mohair. 

The first pair - which have now been worn loads and have still got no holes - were made using two strands of lace weight mohair. 

I will not use three strands again because it was so hard on my hands. I ended up with holes in my finger from how difficult was knitting with three strands and 2.5mm needles. They did come out super thick but I suspect would have worked on a pattern designed for the next gauge up of yarn. Anyway the next pair I will be back using just two strands. Especially now I know they last a few wears and do not get holey!

I am going to have to knit another pair of these, but maybe I will make a hat or something else first?

Have a brilliant New Year, All the best wishes to all my readers for 2022.

Wednesday, 29 December 2021

White mice mens PJs and christmas shorts


I decided on a whim because its Christmas to make PJs - with pockets for Mick and also some Christmas shorts ( without pockets) so here they are:  


I made this quick for my other half. They are both from the pattern I used loads before - Newlook 6142.

I bought the white mice fabric for £1 metre months ago. I cannot remember if its cotton or poly cotton. I suspect the latter but its really nice anyway. We used to have two pet rats who it reminds me of. They were the loveliest pets ever. So gentle. Brilliant for kids and better and less bitey than hamsters though most people seem not to rate rats. Anyway we both have a love of the white rodent types so I bought the fabric.

And Foxes in Christmas hats. Mick seems to like fox prints:

I don't really have much else to say about these. They were practical and I had time so I made them. Mick seems to like them so I will have to make some more later for him.

See you soon




Monday, 27 December 2021

Black and leopard velvet Lekala loungewear


OK so another pair of Lekala Sports Trousers made from left over black lycra velvet from other projects. Two different black velvets in this case but you can't tell.

The pockets are made from bits left over from my top. I still have the top though do not seem to wear it any more.


 Its not well made being one of my oldest me-made items. I made it before I understood how much different fabric influences the design. I used the very soft cosy leopard print on the front and a stiff ribbing on the back. At that time I was rubbish at unpicking overlocking and used to just cut things appart which of course made them smaller when resewing so I left this top alone but its never been very comfortable. Despite that I still own it because I like the designand for the time I made it it was one of my best makes ever. Time changes how you see things so much!

I am going to see what small offcuts I have in my stash now and change the back panel -so remake it so that I like to wear it. It will fit in very well with the other velvet loungewear I have been making. An amazing thing about blogging is when you look back at things like this you realise stuff - like how I can resurrect this top. 

 I also made a top and skirt and some yoga pants that I still wear.  The leopard print is more stretchy than the black. I do not think the leopard is a lycra velvet. Just polyester I think so does not have good recovery. It will work fine for pockets and waistband.

These are just comfy track pants. Nothing special other than I used velvet for them. Worn with another basic - albeit also in velvet - my cream top. I do not seem to have ever mentioned this top on the blog before. I think the pattern is Burda's Lydia top but its been a while since I made this so it may not be. I made it from some real rubbish I bought from an online seller called Pound-a-Metre. I really would avoid this company if you come across them. For the start most fabric is not that cheap, it takes at least 3 weeks to arrive by which time they usually seem to have run out of what you paid for. They will not refund so you must choose from what they do have. Even when you get the right thing sent you its often damaged. The cream velvet I used for this top should have been white ( bought specifically for some colour blocking so it did matter to me that it was not white) it was damaged so a large part was thrown away, and was no cheaper really than some other discount fabric sellers who dispatch quickly and give you decent fabric and importantly, they send you what you order and do not miss-represent what they have to get you to buy it - eg say its lycra when its cheapo crap polyester velvet. I am currently buying for their competiter Pound Fabrics and from Minerva who of course are very reputeable. So far they (Pound Fabrics) have not managed to mess up 8 orders so doing well so far and you get it within 3 days to a week.

Anyway rant about fabric sellers over

Have a lovely day


Sunday, 26 December 2021

Holiday Glitter Flares

The photos sadly do not show these in their glittery glory!

They are very glittery with multi-coloured glitter stripes.

I bought this fabric in the summer for £1 a metre. It was an impulse buy when glitter was out of season henc the cheapness because the fabric is really ok in quality. I have  small amount left which I might get round to making a body from to match these. Really this is part of my comfy Christmas slob clothing. Its really hard to see in the photos but there is a diagonal glitter stripe accross these and they are very black stretch lycra velvet.

Its a free pattern from if only they would nap but I added about 4cm to each lower side seam for extra flare. See my Aubergine version for the full run down on how I made these and the pattern link if you want it.

I would say it worked and they are flared!
 They are worn here with my cream and pale pink aran. 

Happy Boxing Day



Saturday, 25 December 2021

Lilac velvet tracksuit lounge wear

 I genuinely enjoyed taking the photos of these. Mick called this my Abba outfit!

I am intending to live i these on Christmas Day. Slightly glamerous, very comfy.

The trousers are another pair of my favourite free yoga pants pattern. They are made using the free pattern from here: 


Like the previous Aubergine version these flared trousers are made using the TNT pattern and adding on to the side seams to get more flare.  To get these flared I added 4cm onto each side seam and then graded out from the knee line. I think for now its not too much flare while still being a very obvious flare.

The top is made using the burda sweatshirt pattern I used for my navy and grey glitter sweatshirts. I also made a fleece version of this. Its alovely pattern to construct because it all goes together so well. The pocket goes into the front seams. Just lovely anyway. 

I added a double width band to the bottom so its slightly longer ( almost a dress!) and good for wearing with leggings.

I know together these two items are pretty OTT but I do love wearing this, I really do. The cuffs and the bottom band are a slightly paler lilac than the rest because I ran out of the darker colour.

This is just so goood!

But as usual my learning curve has expanded. I found after sewing that my cuffs are dodgy. 

If the grain/ nap goes the wrong way - so feels silky on the inside and follows the grain of the rest not the opposite way round (like I did one of them) then it rucks up. It needs to be rough side in to not ruck up. You can see the wrinkly cuff above and how the two cuffs are different.

I never realised that when using velvet this could be an issue. I actually intended for them to both go the same way napwise so this was a mistake but I never knew its would matter if they did not.

Still its all learning!


Happy Christmas


Friday, 24 December 2021

Navy glitter joggers

If you read my post yesterday you will know I made a navy glitter sweatshirt from french terry. I also made the joggers to match. 
I needed to cut very carefully to get this to work because there really was not enough fabric for the two items - or not according to the pattern. In fact I should have needed about 3.2m and it took quite some time working out how and where to cut the different bits, and I have hardly anything left over, but I managed to get all the top from the navy fabric and the main bits of the trousers from it. 
I had to be very careful sewing up the pockets and hems in the lighter weight grey offcuts from my sweatshirt dress because the grey is far more stretchy but it ended up looking good so I am very happy to manage to make this from just 2.5m of navy sweatshirting and some offcuts.
I probably should start to put shoes on when I go outside now though. 
It is a bit cold now 😀
I had to be very careful sewing up the pockets and hems in the lighter weight grey  because the grey is far more stretchy but it ended up looking good so I am very happy to manage to make this and the sweatshirt from just 2.5m of navy sweatshirting and some grey off cuts.

These are kind of doubling as loungewear/ PJs which is just what I want for winter.

The camo top is a Madalynne Noelle and I have made lots of these and like this better than the Sierra. Though I find the Sierra is easier to hide under my work clothes!

These are part of my winter essentials lounge wear collection, I began with the glitter sweatshirt dress last week and now have these as well. I have also cut a few more pairs of these trousers and so far one other hoody. Watch this space for further info over the coming weeks. 

I am sewing them as fast as I can but even then its taking quite a bit longer than I originally planned. 

Never mind the collection is growing and hopefully all this mass cutting and sewing will free me some time up to make a few unusual new patterns up. 

I am very interested to know how other sewists deal with the mass sewing of warm clothing which is needed urgently but also find time to do other interesting stuff as well. Or am I just expecting too much? 

Feel free to comment because I do love comments.

Thanks for dropping by my blog and have a great weekend.


Thursday, 23 December 2021

Navy Glitter sweatshirt

 I bought the fabric for this last February. Then the weather warmed up so it ended up in my stash. 

Pictures were taken when I was feeling goth hence the makeup 😁


Its exactly the same Burda pattern as my grey glitter top (and also the white fleece). I love my grey glitter so much but the grey glitter fabric is much much cheaper than this navy sweatshirting which is from a different seller. 
I cannot remember which one to be honest I bought it so long ago but I think from the look of the website its from here. It was about £40 for 2.5m though rather than my grey cost which my £40 for 3m. Of course that has now gone up in price as I mentioed a few weeks ago as well but the grey is still cheaper than this. So what to make because I do not have enough for both the Lekala trousers and the Burda Hoody I used for my grey set. I want a hoody most though so thats that and maybe I can use the offcuts to make the Geodesic top pattern by Blueprints for Sewing, that I have had for years but so far never got round to using.
But then I made the free joggers pattern up and its just so good and I realised if I use some of my glitter grey sweatshirt dress offcuts then I can make track pants to match the top! Yay!
More on that once I finish sewing them up! 
I had to cut very carefully to get this to work and it took quite some time working out how and where to cut the different bits and I have hardly anything left over but I managed to get all the top from the navy fabric and the main bits of the trousers from it.

For now I have completed the Hoody.
Trousers will follow next few days.
Thanks for visiting and if you have time to pop back tomorrow I hope to finish off my matching joggers.
