Monday, 30 May 2022

29th and 30th May #MMM22

 29th May

I seem to have got most of my photos for this #MMM22 when out dog walking!
This is my fluoro orange track top and my grey tracksuit trousers
And the dog is Roger.

Well this top besides its got a wavy zip so is very imperfect is a keeper. As in I am not getting rid of this one. If you have been following my #MMM adventure this year you will know I am having a major clear out of me mades - and also of RTW though I do not nowadays have much RTW in my wardrobe anyway.

30th May 

Well very boring today but to be honest I am not feeling very well and was luckily working from home so I slobbed in my glittery grey tracksuit - with a me made top under it that I forgot to get a photo of .

I am also wearing a me made hair band

Finally just because why not here's a photo with loads of baby geese of all different ages taken in the grounds of Warwick Uni. Lovely aren't they? 

Tomorrow is the end of #MMM22 and I have to say I am looking forward to not needing to remember to get photos. Though it is nice to do this once a year.

Take care and see you tomorrow


1 comment:

  1. Aww, thanks for sharing the baby geese! I am always up for pictures like that!

    The top is a very interesting look, like how you put the mesh (?) across part of it
